Note to All- OUR INTENTION! 2 Tim 2:15

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Faith and Faith Alone

I tested AI and SEO rewrites, scary! Rewrites are based on what the web says. No Reasoning, No supporting statements from the bible. Very General.
Yes to Faith and Faith Alone as in the Bible.

For Students in Christ- to Rightly Divide the Word

Rightly Divide the Word Can Start off well.

What does it mean to “rightly divide the Word”, and how do we do it? – Joseph Prince

I just want say up front, I have no knowledge of Joseph Prince. But he is correct in what he says in this article “What does it mean to “rightly divide the Word”, and how do we do it?” is what it is all about. The Word of God (The Bible) has one meaning throughout. God is there, if we just turn to him, “Christ”, and focus on his Word, we can overcome this evil in this world. Paul focuses on that in Roman 1-7. And in Chapter 8 he focuses on the daily walk with a new law at work in our souls, because of Christ’s death. Roman is an excellent book for new believers. Read and Read it again and again.

It is crucial for every believer, when reading the Bible, to rightly divide the Word, and to clearly separate what belongs to the old covenant of law and what belongs to the new covenant of grace. When people quote Old Testament passages without appropriating the cross of Jesus in their interpretations, they make it seem as though the cross of Jesus Christ made no difference at all, leading to much misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the Bible.

What Jesus did on the cross created the new covenant, and made the first covenant—the covenant of the law—obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). In this new covenant, Jesus has already fulfilled for us the righteous requirements of the law (Romans 8:3–4), so that we are no longer under law but under grace (Romans 6:14).

I believe he fulfilled the Law and Profits, as he says in Mathew 5. And at his death, the work of the Cross “It is Finished” closed the Covenants. Thru Paul’s mysteries the age of Grace was started.

Hence, we need to learn to rightly divide the covenants—by studying and reading all scripture in the light of the cross. This was the apostle Paul’s advice to his young apprentice, Timothy: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

Hear, hear on this point,

Whether interpreting the Old Testament, or the words which Jesus spoke in the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), let Jesus and His finished work at the cross be the key to unlocking all the precious gems hidden in God’s Word. This means that we have to read everything in the context of what He came to do and what He accomplished at the cross for us. For example, some things that Jesus said in the four gospels were spoken before the cross—before He had died for our sins—and Againwere said after the cross—when He had already won our complete forgiveness and rightfully given us His righteousness. It is the latter that applies to us (believers under the new covenant) today.

Again well stated.

In rightly dividing the Word, we also have to take note of who Jesus was addressing when He spoke. With the Pharisees, who boasted in their perfect law-keeping, Jesus spoke of the law at its most pristine standard, such that it was impossible for any man to keep. He did it so that man would come to the end of depending on himself and begin to see that he desperately needs a Savior (Galatians 3:24). But to the sinners, the prostitutes and tax collectors, He was never harsh, and was full of compassion for them.

Once you understand how powerful this principle of letting Jesus be the key to understanding and applying God’s Word to your life is, you will no longer be troubled by obscure passages in the Bible. This is because the Lord has given so many clear, explicit portions of Scripture that declare His favor and blessings over your life in the new covenant.

Thank-you Joseph Prince

I do want to comment on your website content. It appears you are in for profit. I will pray for you to be open totally and let God provide.

Another issue that concerns me is you are dealing with emotions. We must stay in God’s Word. Paul shows our faith must be grounded in his Word. True Faith is Faith alone in what the Bible says not emotions. This not a walk in the park. I heard you are promoting tongues. I don’t see that of value in today’s body of Christ, We must be grounded in the Word ready for whatever satan throws our way.

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