History on the Author danwillie my Lord and Savior?
First, I lost my Mom at 5 years old. I hoped to see her in Heaven. 4 year later my Father Remarried. Then at 9 years old for some reason, I went to stay with a friend of my step- mom, Mrs. Slater in Hayt Corners, New York. We were there couple of weeks. Every Evening she would read the Bible to us and talk to us about the Gospel. I was in trouble a lot at this new home of my father and step-mom.
Mrs. Slater said we all have a sin nature and God offered us a plan, Salvation, If we just Believed in Christ’s Death, Burial, and Resurrection, we would be in Christ and have victory over that sin nature.
My new Life in Christ
So on the last night there I accepted what she said and I started my new life in Christ. the road has been long. At 72 and partly blind, I enjoy where I am at in Christ. It has been a road of many ups and downs. I enjoy reading all of the bible, because when you rightly divide the word, a whole new light appears. I enjoy Paul’s teaching of Christ and the mysteries he presents. I no longer worry about whether I will make it or not.
Many Churches
You see I have been in many churches, many were Baptist churches that really vary in their teachings. My greatest growth has been in non-denominations where the focus is on Faith in Christ and Faith alone and where the body of Christ is chosen by God.
There is one thing that man can do, is to mess up Faith and Faith alone. I now know what God expects of me and am thankful for the opportunity to be in the body of Christ with the rest who believe that by Faith and Faith alone God imputes through the Holy Spirit redemption, righteousness and so much more.
Christ Jesus is my Lord and Savior?
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