A key in understanding the progressiveness of God’s Word is seperating what is written directly for the Jewish people before Christ’s Death, Burial and Ressurection and what is so now after Christ Cross “It is Finished”, his ascension and this Age of Grace according to Paul’s revealed mysteries in his epistles, the Apostle to (ALL) Gentiles and Jews. This single act of rightly dividing of the Word of God, will allow you to literally read all of his Word with greater clarity. For further info on this approach, Les Feldick Ministries on lesfeldick.org, lesfeldick.net, lesfeldick.com Youtube, Firestick, and many other TV channels and media will help you understand the whole Bible.
Below is a taste of Bible Websites Online in Bing Search. One must be very careful what sites you use. I recommend BLB or Blue Letter Bible for reading, listening and research. Also has apps for any phone